Roles: Creative technologist, CAD, machinist, fabricator, experience designer, A/V technical director, graphic designer, photographer.
IN-N-ART was a multi-day immersive theatrical production satirizing the modern commodification of art.
Experience Elements:
Drive-thru window with custom branded sign and lighting.
Illuminated large menu sign with working audio and video intercom system.
“Grill station” and “Hot Seat” to conduct mock interviews of participants.
“Fast Art” assembly station.
Custom laser cut RFID tags for participants who “pass” the interview and “work” on the assembly line creating fast art.
Hidden “Secret Menu” unlocked by RFID tags built into the side of the main menu. The secret menu plays a series of videos on loop on VR goggles and reveals a secret password to participants.
Secret password allows participants access through the secret entrance underneath the drive thru window.