
David Kaplan is a San Francisco Bay Area based artist and multidisciplinary engineer. He has 10+ years of experience as a professional software developer for creative 3D applications, and produces collaborative large-scale immersive art installations utilizing theater, visuals, lighting, interactivity, sound design, and set design, to curate participant experiences.

Creative Direction

Immersive theater direction, experience design, narrative development, interactive installation production, project management.


10+ years experience as software generalist and with 3D graphics. Python, Lua, Bash, Perl, C++, C, Java, and other languages. OpenFrameworks, QT & PyQT APIs. Arduino, RasPi, and microcontrollers.

CAD & 3D Modeling

Solid modeling, mesh modeling, procedural modeling and scripting. Maya, Fusion360, SolidWorks. Advanced Maya Python scripting and Maya API plugins.

Generative Audio

Immersive audio, multichannel surround sound, generative composition, and audio engineering. Max/MSP, Ambisonics, Ableton.

Projection Mapping

Generative, interactive, realtime, and audio-reactive visuals. TouchDesigner, Processing, Resolume, OSC.

Rapid Prototyping

3D printing, FDM, SLA, powder bed. Geometry processing, smoothing, topology repair. Toolpath generation. Metalworking and general fabrication.